Who can participate in these courses online?
Immaculate Conception Parish Institute Online was created to enable all parishioners with the opportunity to continue growing from the comfort of their home. We welcome all adults 18+ who would like to take a course to register with us online.
What is the fee?
There are no fees to participate in any of our online courses.
How do I know which courses to take?
The Courses we offer at ICPI have been divided into 3 Tracks. Each Track provides the courses that are required to complete the credits that are needed by each individual. Sacrament Preparation Track: This track is designed to meet the requirements for parents of children preparing for a sacrament as well as adults preparing to receive a sacrament. Family Formation Track: This track is designed to help family continue growing in their faith formation. Families who opt to teach their children through the Domestic Church program are highly encouraged to follow this track. Continuing Faith Formation Track: This track is designed for all adults who have the desire to continue growing in knowledge of the faith.
How long will it take me to finish?
Each Individual course will vary in time. There are videos, readings, questions and simple quizzes that are a part of each lesson. The over all time of the lesson will be shown in the Course preview.
How do I know how many credits I have?
Each Individual course will be given it's own amount of credits depending on the length and the course work assigned. Once you have completed the course you will receive the total credits of that specific course.